Getting to learn about others is one of my favorite things in life. To help start the conversation, please take a few minutes to read about who I am below:

As I am sure you have figured out, I’m Sim! My full name is Simran Singh Sandhu. I was born and raised in Central Illinois and have continued to grow both personally and professionally in the area. Each person’s story can tell you a lot about them as a person and I believe mine will help you better understand what drives me each day.

The Early Years

I was born in Bloomington-Normal, IL and lived there until I was twelve. My parents had immigrated from India in the 80s, moving to Oklahoma and Missouri before settling in Illinois. They worked exceptionally hard to not only provide for my two older sisters and I, but also to balance our cultural traditions while assimilating the family into many new ones. When I was thirteen, we moved to Goodfield, IL. My folks always wanted to build their dream home and finally did it! Goodfield, while nearby Bloomington-Normal on a map, is worlds apart culturally. This opportunity to experience a whole new culture certainly had a significant impact on my life which influenced many of my later decisions. Throughout school, I was always as involved as possible between student government, clubs, and sports (no matter how unathletic I proved to be). My first ever “real” job at 16 was with Sears back in Bloomington. Time absolutely flew!

The Not-to-Distant Years

After high school, I moved back to Bloomington-Normal to attend Illinois State University. Professionally, I was finally able to secure a job at the store I loved most in my childhood - Best Buy. Having always loved technology since I was a small kid, Best Buy was where I discovered what I wanted to do for a career. Throughout my various roles and interactions with customers there, being able to help others figure out what was the best solution for them and serving as a resource to ensure they felt prepared for any change was hugely impactful on me.

To minimize my education related debt, I worked as much as I could. I always had at least two jobs throughout college and even ran my own iPhone and computer repair business for a while! During my sophomore year, I was able to obtain an internship at the Illinois Farm Bureau (IFB). Being able to enter a large corporate environment early in my education helped me change paths for the better. I gained valuable experience each day in a supportive culture which really helped my growth from then onward.

While at Illinois State, I had the traditional college experiences along with plenty more that helped shape who I am today. A large part are the relationships and friends I developed throughout those years, many of which are still strong to this day. Whether it be a quick get together or a trip away, I relish each chance I get to spend with the melting pot of individuals in my life I have been fortunate enough to meet.

After graduation, I was offered a full-time role in IFB’s IT department. Not only was I thrilled about the job itself, but it also finally meant I only had to have one! I found myself living just down the street from the office, having plenty of time to spend with friends and family, alarm the occasional neighbor from smoking meats on my apartment’s balcony, work on my professional development, and apologizing to the aforementioned neighbors with copious amounts of freshly cooked BBQ.


If you would have asked me ten years ago where I expected to be today, anything resembling the present would not have been my answer. I have had some amazing opportunities and experiences, both personally and professionally, and thoroughly enjoy witnessing the changes within myself and others which have come with them.

When I approach each day, I welcome whatever challenges may lie ahead with open arms. My current job is centered around change, focusing on identifying the best paths forward and more importantly, ensuring those involved feel empowered and confident in the decisions made. I love what I do and hope to keep helping all types of operations be as effective and efficient as possible while still fostering a healthy culture.

When it comes to me personally, I am a person who loves to keep themselves busy, primarily fueled by what could perhaps be considered an unhealthy amount of coffee. Most of my time outside of work is spent between time with family and friends, a seemingly never-ending list of house projects, six a.m. golf rounds, community involvement, and fighting the uphill battle that is tiring out my rescue pup, Carl. I also always enjoy cooking, especially for others. Even though many of my friends live outside of the area, the food always seems to be a good incentive for them to visit! The most recent trips away have been centered on checking off national parks, hiking new trails, visiting family and friends, and getting out of my comfort zones. As time allows, I hope to keep fitting in as many trips and get-togethers as possible!


As for what tomorrow may have in store, I look forward to finding out whatever that may be. One significant goal of mine is to continue to be a leader when it comes to change and diversity in both the workplace and community. My commitment as an advocate for diversity is to communicate, educate, and promote, to foster a more inclusive society where all can and do feel a sense of belonging. Regardless of who someone is, ensuring they feel they can belong in their environment is crucial to the success of not only the workplace, but the communities in which they reside as well.

Change is never easy, whether it be personal, professional, or societal, regardless if the scope is big or small. Workplaces often fail to recognize the full impact change can have on its people, both internal and external, which only furthers the issues the change was often expected to address. Proper strategy development and engagement throughout any change cycle is critical to getting it right and to help those involved feel empowered. While it can seem arduous at times, I do not see my passion for strategy and innovation ever wavering because of the satisfaction I gain when seeing those impacted come out the other side. A successful day to me is knowing when logging off for the day, I did everything I could to ensure others are able to recognize how their work translates to the big picture for an organization while feeling positive about the direction it is headed.

I was once asked what would be my "six-word memoir”. I struggled greatly with this which is likely not too surprising if you have read this far down - how was I supposed to only use six words?! After some time, I determined my six-word memoir is: “Look Forward, Move Forward, Bring Forward.” I believe it summarizes who I am well; one who does not let the past define the future, expects and welcomes the challenges and change that lies ahead, and genuinely cares about helping others have a better tomorrow.

Causes I’m Passionate About

Giving back is something I care about greatly, whether it be supporting avenues to offer others help when they need it or through creating opportunities for others so they can hopefully pass it forward later in life. Here are some of the organizations and causes I strive to support as much as possible:

  • Sandhu Minority in Agriculture Scholarship via IAA Foundation

    • As a descendent of Indian immigrants who left behind roots in agriculture to provide greater opportunities for our family, I have been humbled working in support of the industry myself. To help foster an agricultural industry which more closely represents the world it feeds and to ensure the diverse perspectives needed for innovation are accessible, I am honored to have founded the Sandhu Minority in Agriculture Scholarship. Established in 2022, this annual scholarship of $3,001 is available to racial minority students from Illinois who are interested in a STEM career in agriculture.

  • St. Jude Children’s Hospital

    • It is hard to find a cause I believe is more worthy of our time and support. Falling in love with this organization through helping lead fundraising efforts in high school, it is one I remain passionate about today.

  • Jimmy V Foundation

    • While the speech continues to make me demand whoever is cutting the onions to stop immediately, the role fundraising for this organization served in growing the bond for our college fraternity is a strong reason why it remains dear to me.

  • Sikh Coalition

    • This organization has directly impacted my life for the better. I have had my fair share of uncomfortable experiences and I believe the efforts to improve civil and human rights for all people is vital to a successful future for all people.

  • Movember

    • Mental health is a cause all can find a connection to, and men’s mental health has become a cause many of my friends and I have strived to support following the loss of some who were close to us.